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Mar 08, 2020 | Jarrod Cloud

Father Forgive Them

Luke 23:32-34

Today we begin our first part of a 6 weeks series titled "Famous Last Words". This week we begin with pastor Jarrod speaking on the first verse "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."

3 Thoughts

1. Jesus Fulfilled Prophesy
2. Jesus Modeled the Importance of Prayer
3. Jesus Revealed Mans Greatest Need... Forgiveness

When I pray for others, my prayer may or may not change them, but it will always change me.

When You've Been Hurt

1. Pray for those who hurt you
2. Pray for Restoration

Scripture References;

Isa 53:12
Matt 26:28
Luk 6:28
Matt 5:43-44
Rom 12:17-18
Col 3:13
Matt 6:14-15

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Series Information

A series of the last words used by Jesus as he was on the Cross. Each week we will cover at a time, and the last week we will cover the last 2 verses in one sermon.

Be sure to make it to Church and experience this series in person if you have the opportunity, as we pray the Holy Spirit will move in this series in preparation of our Easter Sunday service.